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1 Corinthians 12:31 Spiritual gifts come from God. They are needed to help the body grow. During this time in Corinth, Christians began using certain gifts as a sign of personal or spiritual status. Gifts designed to help the body were becoming divisive. Paul instructs the Christians to covet the gifts, but there is a “more excellent way” than making gifts overly important.

In the Greek language, there are several words for love:

  • Eros (romantic love) is not mentioned in the New Testament.
  • Philia (friendship) is often translated to friend or brotherly love.
  • Storge (familial love) is not mentioned in the New Testament.
  • Pragma is love that matures over time.
  • Agape (selfless, giving love) is the highest form of love and appears often in the New Testment, translated as love or charity.

Selfless love isn’t natural. The fruit of selfless love comes from the heart. Jesus was a giver and is my example. He even gave to the lowest end of the totem pole - the children.

For what earthly reason would the heavenly Father send down his Son To suffer rejection and pay for crimes He had not done? For what earthly reason would the Father let Him hang on a tree? I wept with the answer, the one earthly reason was me.I was the reason, that one earthly reason; I was the guilty, He was the sacrifice; I was the taker, He was the giver, Dying while I go free, That one earthly reason was me. Dottie Rambo

1 Corinthians 13:1,2,3 Noise is unpleasant or disruptive. What does life mean without God's love?

Jeremiah 9:23 Our gifts are just gifts. They all come from God.

John 15:1,2,3,4

Jeremiah 45:5

Matthew 20:26

Acts 20:35

Love is

1 Corinthians 13:4 Am I willing to suffer the weakness and ignorance of others? How long do I have to suffer? Love is patient. Love is an action word. While love is suffering, it is kind. Am I kind when I feel hurt? Am I kind to my family when I have to suffer long? Kindness is a powerful influence on others.

Love is not

1 Corinthians 13:4,5,6

  • Doesn’t envy. Isn’t sad or upset when someone else has something (intellectual, physical, spiritual) better. The end of envy is murder (e.g., Abel). Envy enslaved Joseph.
  • Doesn’t brag. Doesn’t lift up self and isn’t inflated with a sense of its own importance.
  • Isn't rude. Observes good manners. Is thankful and unselfish.
  • Isn't easily provoked. How do others feel around me? How are my thoughts toward others? Do I think the best of others or do I look for bad intent? If I look hard enough, I can always find “something” negative.
  • Rejoices in truth. Wants to know what the truth is and doesn't want anything to do with falsehoods.

1 Corinthians 13:7,8,9,10,11,12,13

In his sermon, Love's Labours, Charles Spurgeon describes “love's four sweet companions,” listed in 1 Corinthians 13:7. Love covers and contains. It doesn't talk about others' problems. It is ready to believe the best. It allows others to find God and work out their own salvation, even if it is different than me. When love can no longer believe, it lets faith and hope take over. Am I making it easy for someone to make their way back to God or am I creating stumbling stones? Love doesn't give up.