Matthew 6:21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34 Seek the Kingdom of God first.
Endings and Beginnings
2 Corinthians 6:14,15,16,17,18 The (gentile) Corinth church was surrounded by numerous temples and religions. Paul was addressing relationships inside and outside the church and relevant issues to the era.
Paul's concern and admonition against creating an idol or a stumbling block continues to be relevant to our current time.
1 Samuel 5:1,2,3,4
Before coming out of idol worship, there is a change in the attitude of the heart.
The prophets in the Old Testament admonished Israel when they set up places to worship and images. God would consistently remove His hand when this happened.
Am I removed from all idols and am I worshiping God in my daily life?
Exodus 29:45,46
Have I placed myself under the authority of a religious system or way of thinking? If it’s manmade, it’s not what God wants. There is a God-made system; it’s heavenly. There’s a false system and a true system.
Revelation 18:1,2,3,4
Any church can be a “Babylon.” It's people, false teaching, division, and foundation of human construction that creates a spirit of Babylon. I can’t think that my strength is in the system of worship or doctrine. The Corinthians thought that their evolved, governed system of religion was their strength.
Acts 15:19,20,21 The apostles only demanded four necessary things.
Babylon represents a materialistic (vs holy) frame of mind. How spiritual is my thinking? How materialistic is it? A religious veneer over a materialistic life doesn’t have any value.
John 12:32 Some started to make the serpent of brass their god. Humans are inclined to make an idol out of something.
Acts 2:47 It is Christ that must be lifted up, not the “bride” (the church). It is He that all should be drawn to. Then, God will make up part of the "bride."
1 Corinthians 10:14,15,31,32,33