Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions? We have answers!

What denomination are you? The Church of God is non-denominational! We simply live by the Bible.    

How do I join your church? We believe that God adds to His church, not us. The Church is comprised of anyone, anywhere, who is living for God to the very best of their knowledge and ability. We do not have any kind of membership process or contracts. 

What do you believe? The basic principles we believe are salvation (complete repentance and turning away from sin) and sanctification (commiting our lives completely to God). 

What can I expect at a worship service? When you arrive, you'll be greeted by one of our lobby attendants to be sure you're comfortable and to answer any questions you may have. Our services are about 1.5 hours long and typically include traditional hymns, testimonies, musical solos, a choir, prayer, and a sermon. 

What are Bible classes? On Sundays from 9:30AM-10:15AM, we have Bible classes for every age. See an attendant in the lobby for where your particular age group will meet. Classes typically include Bible readings and discussion. Classes for younger children often include singing, crafts, and stories. 

Do you have childcare? There is a nursery available for children 2 and under during Bible classes. During worship services, the nursery is also available for children 2 and under, but we do ask that parents remain with their children. 


We have counseling services, home visits, and home bible studies available

Still have questions?

See Our Beliefs or contact us! 

Are you looking to dive deeper in to the Bible? We have Bible Study classes for all ages on Sundays from 9:30AM-10:15AM.

For personal Bible study we recommend the following guidelines and study tools:

  • Always pray and ask God to direct your understanding into His will and purpose as you study
  • Do not study to “prove a point” but rather to know the mind of God.
  • Endeavor to understand scriptures within their original context by:
    • Reading the text before and after the scripture you are studying
    • Using a reference tool to better understand the original meaning of words
    • Using a Concordance tool to find similar words used in other scriptures
    • Reading commentary, such as those by Adam Clark, Mathew Henry, John Wesley, etc. or even the Halley’s Bible Handbook to better understand context and meaning
    • Utilizing a Bible Dictionary (such as Smiths Bible Dictionary) to better understand the cultural context of Biblical words, names, and places

There are also a number of excellent tools available online. Here are just a few of our favorites!