Psalms 119:114 A hiding place and a shield takes action on my part.
Five Discourses of Matthew: The Church
Matthew 18:1,2,3,4 Being converted implies a change and movement, not just a mental assent. Children are:
- Innocent Is there anything about me that is guilty before God?
- Unspoiled by the world Current news, bias, and differences do not affect them.
- Willing to be taught There’s no preconceptions and expectations.
- Curious and full of imagination This means God can fill and change me.
- Easily entreated Moments of upset pass quickly and there is a desire to please.
- Have few opinions Children don't have a lot of experience; they are a sponge for learning.
We are meant to be as children with each other, including spouses.
James 3:17 We are converted from an adult attitude to a little child attitude.
Matthew 18:21 A child doesn’t have a reason to not forgive. When I start to compete with someone else in a zero sum game, I am not thinking like a child.
Matthew 18:15 Have an attitude of forgiveness.
Matthew 18:15,16,17 This scenario isn’t opposite of forgiveness. This is about recovering a brother, not about punishment. The way to recover another is through an attitude of forgiveness.