Luke 10:25,26,27,28,29 He was willing to justify himself. What am I willing to do?

Sharing the Gospel

Have I ever wanted to share the Gospel but felt unprepared or nervous? It is important to live my life for God, but sometimes I must speak.

If I take a test or go to a job interview without preparation, the one I am speaking to knows right away whether I know what I am talking about. Do I have knowledge of the Scriptures? Am I prepared to share the Gospel? Am I a Gospeler?

Matthew 5:13,14,15,16

Mark 4:21,22,23

Jesus frequently said, “Don’t put your light (testimony) under a bushel.” If the light it is just for myself, I am doing it wrong.

Romans 1:15,16 Paul was going to a dark place with his light. If my place is devoid of light, I can illuminate it.

Sharing the Basics

Matthew 28:19 I don’t have to guess or make things up. I only have to read, understand, and share some basic concepts.

Romans 3:9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 All have sinned.

Romans 6:1,2,22,23 All need to know where they will go if they die in their sins and that there is a remedy.

Romans 10:9,10,11,12,13 All receive salvation by confessing and forsaking their sins and accepting Jesus as Savior.

John 3:16 God hates sin but loves the sinner. He gave His only Son.

Ephesians 2:5,6,7,8 Being good doesn’t mean going to heaven. Repenting means going from the sinful way to the holy way.

Romans 8:1,2,3 Making a mistake is an opportunity to check motives and walk after the spirit (not self).

Am I Gospeler?