1 Corinthians 9:22 I am made all things to all men.

In order to make something, one must start with a blank slate. An artist must start with a blank canvas in order to create. God created the world from nothing and wants the same from my life.

I believe Jesus died so I can live free from sin and self. Self is what impacts my decisions.

John 14:30 The prince of the world (Satan) is described in Job 1:7 as walking to and fro and looking for something. In my life's problems, is there an attitude or action the devil can “claim?” He has a right to claim what belongs to him. If I have a blank slate prepared for God, the devil is going to look and see “he has nothing in me.”

If I possess a defect God can't use, He allows upsetting things to happen in my life so He can create what He wants from me.

What gives the vessel value is what is in the vessel. If my vessel is mostly filled with me, it is of no value.

When moving into a new home, the house must be deep cleaned with disinfectant. God also has a right to do this when He comes into my heart.

Hebrews 4:16 With salvation, I can say “No!” to the devil. I have power and authority. The throne of grace carries power. In temptation, I have authority over sin and self.

Am I allowing God to use me?

Galatians 6:3 There is a problem if I think I am something when really I am nothing.

I have to be nothing so I can be made. The devil wil test me in this process. Do I have anything the devil can “claim?”

There is liberty when I no longer worry about what others think. Who are they? I should care about what God thinks of me. I have to stand and live in a way that proves what I have inside.

Romans 12:3 “Soberly” means balanced. My self esteem is not too low; I simply know I am nothing without God. I can be a help to others when they need it.

Proverbs 13:10 A heated contention in a matter means someone needs to be more humble. It is wise to ask God to work with me so I can come back for a better discussion.

Philippians 2:5,6,7,8 Christ felt he could be equal with God; he went from the highest position to the cross. Jesus didn’t not want to go to the cross, but he was humble and obedient. We all have a personal cross. There are some things I will not want to do. I have to empty myself so God can allow it. God wants to know what I have. I need to know what I have.

My responsibility is to be humble and empty self. God's responsibility is to exalt in due time. Sometimes there is a need to be in the furnace. I want to purge ugliness that doesn’t mirror God. It may not be sin. But I need to be like God wants me to be.

In the heated furnace, Father, let me stay, Precious gold refining, purge the dross away, Till Thy glorious image is reflected there, Till the costly jewels of Thy grace I wear. Barney E. Warren

James 4:10 If I don’t humble myself, sometimes God must humble me. This can be much harder.

If I don’t feel my talent is being used, I may need to die and be buried in order to rise a different person. My gift may need this process to be the most impactful and I may not be appreciated while in this transition. Jesus also was killed and buried.

1 Peter 5:6

1 Corinthians 1:25-28 Obeying and submitting is what impresses God.

What is the value of zero? On a paycheck, there is value depending on where it is placed. When I am nothing, my value is not based on me - it’s where I am placed.

Sometimes I only need to be a friend or a witness. I can be made into what God wants me to be.

In my daily interactions, I may plant a seed or water or just speak a word. I can be made many things to many people.