I must first have a passion for myself and my needs in order to love you.

1 Peter 2:9,10 A lineage is a group composed of people that have similar inherited or learned characteristics. We have similar characteristics as the family of God. There are characteristics that should identify us. The origin is our heavenly Father. Others should be able to say, “Look, He has the compassion of God!”

If there is something that is important or interests me, I will take care of it. I paid a price and it is mine. God always has acquired a people that are valuable to Him. When the devil wants to cause damage to His property, God pays attention.

In the past, I was not part of the lineage. My personal condition and earthly heritage created a distance.

As God came close to me I had to draw nigh. The thing that united us was His power and my need.

Humans can be close at times and something could push us apart. “There must be something in common that will reunite us once again. We are family. We are the children of God. We cannot be separated. Even if we have nothing in common.” The point that unites is forgiveness.

Nothing that we do for reconciliation is a waste. The outcome is in the Father’s hands as the head of the house. We can’t be apart as congregations or brothers. We all belong to God.

Ephesians 2:12,13,14,15,16,17 I can have victory over hurt feelings. Be influenced by the love of Christ! Does the situation hurt me more than Christ was hurt?

We all have been hurt. How I have hurt others? Do I have hidden things against another person?

If there are walls that seperate me from another Christian, they are not from Christ. “I killed the enmity between you. Don’t give it life again.” Am I acting like I am part of a family? Am I rebuilding barriers? Am I making peace?

Romans 11:16,17 Christ is the root. As the seed is, so is the plant. If the seed is love, it will not give fruit of anger. If the seed is forgiveness, it will not give fruit of resentment. If the seed is sweet, we cannot have bitter fruit. This root is good, pure, merciful, and compassionate.

My fruit was bitter (wild olives), but I was grafted in and now can be part of the root of love and mercy. The benefit runs through the entire plant and I will produce sweet fruit.