1 Corinthians 9:20,21,22

Israel is on a fault line; the Bible talks about earthquakes in the Old Testament and in Revelation.

There was an earthquake when Jesus died and when he arose. In order for Jesus to leave the cave, the stone had to be removed, which meant there needed to be an earthquake.

The Bible also talks about life “earthquakes,” such as when Jacob wrestled with the angel and changed so much that even his name was changed.

For Peter, his earthquake came when the sheet was lowered from heaven in a vision. It felt like the doctrine was changing. The application of the doctrine was meant to shift from the Jews to the Gentiles. This earthquake was necessary for God to accomplish his purpose in Peter

Earthquakes are productive and necessary for the earth. There is tension and friction until there’s a break. The longer the tension, the more destrution when the break happens. Humanly, it is a disorienting experience to live through.

Normally we go to church to avoid tension - it's a place of refuge. We like the doctrine and ritual to stay the same, but it will change over time with the changing world around us. The eternal principles and truth stay the same.

Psalms 51:17 God uses earthquakes for his glory. Don’t fear change when the Holy Spirit sends change.

Satan doesn’t like earthquakes. He wants things to stay the same and for the church to become irrelevant.

Isaiah 29:6 God sends an earthquake to get attention.

Matthew 27:54 When the earth quakes, what follows? The centurion became convinced.

Matthew 28:1,2

Acts 16:26 Foundations are shaken. Sometimes things need to fall apart. Doors can be openned and prisoners released.

Revelation 6:12 After the earthquake, there was fulfillment. Momentous things happen. Throughout Revelation, there is pattern of significant things happening after an earthquake.

In being saved from sin, there is an earthquake in the human heart. Structures collapse. God provides a solid foundation. There is a new building code, based on love, that will hold up to future disasters.

When God sends a shaking, it can feel like there’s a break and destruction. I can respond with my own reason, intellect, and strength or ask God for help. Laodicea had an earthquake and chose not to ask for help from Rome in rebuilding. This eventually resulted in an attitude of self-sufficiency that impacted their service to God.

What are You trying to do for me? Reveal to me what You have done and are doing. Show me how to rebuild.

1 Kings 19:11,12,13 If the earth is quaking, I may need to be quiet and wait to hear the voice of God. Fear, trauma, and trouble may cause me to want to run or wander around frantically, but this is not the best response to an earthquake.

Be aware of the quaking. Accept it. Pay close attention to what must follow.