God helps me do hard things in difficult times. Sometimes doubts, fears, and worries tell me that God won’t help me even though He has thousands of times before.
Jeremiah 32:27
Jeremiah 32:17 This isn’t a question. It is a statement. Hard is a human term of measurement. God doesn’t see things as easy or hard. If he hasn’t failed me, he won’t fail in the future. Nothing is too hard for God.
God is Not a Respecter of Persons
Romans 2:5,6,7,8,9,10,11 There is no respect of persons with God. If I work in service for God I cannot have partiality.
Do I only fellowship with people who look like me (e.g., race, financial,social status ,education ,health, background)? Pain and sin is the same for everyone. This will slow me down when working for God. Jesus stopped and interacted with the woman at the well, the ten lepers, and the physically and mentally ill. He told a parable of the Samaritan.
God is absolutely equal and fair. He will not give an easy pass just because someone is rich with privilege and position, nor will he spare His fairness just because someone is poor and was despised and destitute. There’s only one way to heaven for everyone.
Romans 2:5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Many thought God would give the Jews preferential treatment. He gave them the Law and the priesthood. They had synagogues. They may have thought He would be more severe with the Gentiles.
Deuteronomy 16:18,19 Righteous judgement rejects gifts and bribes because this promotes respect of persons.
No one can buy off God with a “gift,” such as giving to an organization or church or a baptism certificate.
James 2:8,9,10 Why is loving my neighbor a just measure of the love of God? I give myself “love,” allow mistakes, and give the benefit of the doubt. Do I allow this for others? Do I truly love (respect) my neighbor as myself?
The “lady of justice” holds the scales of law and a sword. She is blindfolded to indicate that justice does not respect one person over another.
How could a God of love send someone to hell? He is also a God of wisdom, justice, and righteous.
2 Chronicles 19:5,6
People judge things differently. They don’t hold everyone to the same standard. God holds all to the same standard and is fair.
The rich man lived his life for himself; he had a good life. He went to hell because God's judgement was fair, not because he was rich. The beggar had nothing, but had given his heart to God.
Colossians 3:24,25
Exodus 12:22,23,29 The final plague of Egypt required blood on the doorpost. From “the palace to the dungeon,” God was fair. No other attribute would change the outcome.
1 Peter 1:17,18,19,20,21,22