Hosea 10:12 Breaking up ground prepares it for rain and successful sowing. Is there anything I need to break up in the ground of my heart? Am I seeking?

The Cure for Wretchedness

Romans 7:24 The body isn’t evil or created to be. There are conflicting desires and that leads to the conflict. I do not have to accept a meaningless existence.

Romans 7:1,2,3,4,5,6 Is my liberty in Christ or in the Law of Moses? Legalism chafes at a tender heart, but makes sense to a hardened heart. This passage is addressed to Jews that know the Law of Moses and understand the mechanism of a marriage contract; the death of one thing can bring life to another.

Punishment or avoidance is the only remedy under the Law. The remedy through Christ is mercy.

A set of laws has constraints and boundaries to promote liberty and avoid chaos. Laws are not a bad thing.

Hebrews 8:6

Matthew 19:7,8 Is my heart tender? A tender heart doesn’t need a legalistic way of living. In all areas of my life, if there’s a problem does my remedy tends to go toward punishment?

Legalism is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The cross is the alignment between me and God, not additional traditions or even helpful practices.

Romans 8:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 The carnal mind is a “hard heart.” The law was and is not evil. It was given to people who were hard-hearted. Am I in the flesh or in the spirit? What does my behavior reveal?

In coming to the cross, I apologize for my offenses and I want to have victory over going back to the practice of offending God.

Romans 12:1,2 The mind may need work, but the spirit can be governed by God.