Philippians 4:8 There are six things to think about.

Romans 8:38,39 This is Paul’s declaration: I am convinced. This is what I understand and believe. No one can talk me out of it.

Even the greatest theorums are tied to the foundation of 2 + 2 = 4. Mathematicians and scientists had to be fully persuaded of the foundational math facts first.

Important foundational Christian facts:

  • God is more powerful than man.
  • God hears my prayers.
  • God is not far off; he is near and interested in my life.

1 Samuel 17:34,35,36,48 When David walked into this situation, he saw the people of God were fearful, but David was convinced that his God was bigger than anything on earth. He ran toward the giant because he was fully persuaded.

1 Kings 18:21 The people were not persuaded. Elijah demonstrated to them that he was fully persuaded that God would hear his prayer. Later, he sent his servant to check for rain seven times because he was convinced of God’s promise.

Daniel 6:11,16,19,20,21 Daniel had influence because he was fully persuaded; the king was also convinced.

In contrast, “almost persuaded” is being close to convinced. This is like how a strike in baseball is not an “almost hit.” Can I be “almost persuaded” to believe in Jesus? Yes. I can sing, attend church, and say I’m a Christian, but if God isn’t ruling my heart I am “almost a Christian.”

Acts 24:24,25 Felix, the governor, had an interest to hear what Paul had to say. When he heard what Paul said, he was affected. An almost persuaded person procrastinates. Gods wants a response when He calls.

Acts 25:14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Festus expressed his initial reaction as confusion. He didn’t understand Paul.

Acts 26:24,25,26 Festus is no longer claiming to be confused. If God shows me something and I say I am confused, is it because I don’t understand or because I am not fully persuaded? God will continue to work with me if I truly don’t understand.

Acts 26:27,28 King Agrippa was a Jew by birth but of Roman citizenship. He listened to Paul’s testimony, but was not fully persuaded.

Almost Persuaded by Philip P. Bliss

Am I fully persuaded or almost persuaded?