Proverbs 3:5,6 All - not just when it benefits me.

Luke 14:15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 Excuses can be in the form of a job, circumstances, or personal actions. It can be a good or bad excuse. It's a releasing from promise or obligation.

People want to get into heaven eventually, but make excuses about making a decision now. Fact: I will never be saved if I don’t choose to be saved. God offers an invite and I must choose.

Four top excuses not draw close to God.

  • I don’t believe. I don’t have faith.
  • I believe, but it’s too hard.
  • It’s too late.
  • I want to be saved, but not now.

I don’t believe. I don’t have faith.

Hebrews 11:6 We must have faith to believe God exists.

How do I know God is real and that God can do anything? I must diligently seek (look for) Him. I must ask Him to reveal Himself to me. He will if I honestly ask.

Blind faith is when something has never been done or seen before. My faith is not blind. I have personal experiences and seen others' experience.

I believe, but it’s too hard.

Matthew 7:13,14 Not everyone will choose to be on the narrow way. Am I doing anything not pleasing God? I can’t do this on the narrow way. For some this list is longer and it may be harder, but God helps.

The benefits outweigh the costs. There is very little to give up compared to the fruits of the spirit. And this is just the beginning of the benefits.

Matthew 11:30

It’s too late.

Ezekiel 33:19 I have to turn. The key is choice.

There is no circumstance when someone is “too far gone” or "crossed the line" or “doesn't deserve to be a child of God.”

Acts 2:21 There are no other qualifications.

John 6:35,36,37 Jesus didn’t turn people away.

People sometimes put limits on who can be saved. We can’t sit in the judgement seat of God.

I want to be saved, but not now.

Isaiah 55:6,7 Diligently seek God when he’s near. Rejection and waiting becomes easier and the heart becomes hard to God. This choice can turn into a permanent choice.