Matthew 25:21,22,23 We were created in the image of God, which means we have the capacity to do wonderful things. What am I doing with the talents I have been given? The growth or the talent brings great joy. Am I experiencing joy?


When I leave the house, I typically have in mind where I am going. Sometimes there’s a detour. I am still going to the same place, but it takes longer and can be frustrating and confusing. Detours are often designed for eventual good.

In my personal life, when there is a diversion in the path, I usually do not like it. Whether I love God or not, this will happen.

Acts 7:22,23,30 God had a different plan for Moses, even than his mother did. Moses thought his calling was to defend and protect his people. When he accidentally killed an Egyptian man, he fled Egypt. He lived in the desert from the age of 40 until he saw the burning bush at the age of 80.

Genesis 21:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Abraham left his native home when he was 75. God gave him the promise that he would be a leader of a great nation, but he didn't have a son until 25 years later.

Galatians 1:15,16,17,18 God sent Paul on the first of many detours to prepare for him great things. During these detours he was probably disappointed and frustrated.

Detours don’t feel good. It's an emotional time. But this is a regular part of God's plan.

Psalm 69:3

What is God trying to develop in me in these detours? God won’t bring me to the future prepared for me until he knows I can handle it spiritually, physically, and emotionally. If I am trying to do something that God isn’t in, I won’t be prepared.

In a physical, muscle-building workout, the visible change and strength happens over time. Invisible changes begin from the very beginning. Continue to develop, even on the detour.

Romans 5:3,4,5 I glory in detours, because hope doesn’t disappoint.

Joseph was born into a dysfunctional family, but he had a dream of what he would be some day. His life's path did not seem to lead in that direction time after time. The pit, slavery, and prison were unexpected and disappointing detours. However, each of these situations were supplying Joseph with the skills he needed to save many people from famine. In the moment, this did not look like preparation.

Luke 16:10

How am I handling my detour? What is my response?